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  • StarOutreachAdmin

Star Outreach Project Launch Day

Here are some highlights from the Star Outreach Project (SOP) official launch day in Bolton. The launch was a resounding success, and members of the community welcomed us with open arms.

Star Outreach Project is a Community Interest Company, designed to bridge the gap between the Somali community and service providers, by tackling issues that have proven to be a barrier to access.

S.O.P has been established to provide a strong network of support by creating a partnership with the local Somali community and service providers.

Our services include training, one-to-one support, Somali interpretation and workshops. Our workshops and training address key issues in the community, including language barriers, parenting, mental health and safeguarding amongst others.

During the launch, we introduced ourselves and outlined our plans for the future. We had an informative discussion with community members, covering issues such as mental health, social services, education and parenting.

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